Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Independent Institute Determinants Car Insurance Rating

When someone is willing to insure his car, many are confused: where a bona fide company and trusted. People in countries like the United States, Britain, Japan and Singapore, have almost no problem to find a credible automobile insurance company. Because, there is no ranking.

Companies that bona fide and liquid capital, triple ranked"A" (AAA) and below "BBB". Companies that are in the middle median, rated "CCC", and that was 'serious' condition is rated "DDD".

Rank this course can be trusted because it is done by independent institutions. The institutions that make the rankings based on three categories, namely: car insurance company's financial condition, ability to pay claims and quality of services provided.

Two influential rating agencies are Standard & Poor's (S & P) and AM Best. Reputation of both institutions are known around the world and serve as a reference in choosing a car insurance company.

1 comment:

  1. http://swiftcarinsurancee.blogspot.com/2010/12/swift-car-insurance.html
